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Katie Brock Yoga Guernsey

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Or is it more important that you slow down?

I invite you to lose the word busy!

I can promise you there are no badges of honour for being constantly busy. I’ve learnt to adapt, recognise patterns (and make mistakes) and repeatedly evolve my practice to reflect these times in my life.

I’ve taught Yoga full-time for over 7 years, and many of you know I have a spinal condition called Scoliosis; specialising in Yoga for Back-care. I am super blessed to have a 7month old baby, which against odds, I managed to carry though to a full term pregnancy and still be very able.

You may also know I am very fortunate to be married the love of my life whom I met in India, and have constant support and reassurance from him.

You may not know; My baby doesn’t always sleep, my body can often ache, I have worries of ill health for people closest to me, I don’t always feel that despite my best efforts I allow enough time for my husband, and at times have guilt for those I don’t see or spend enough time with.

I am at times overwhelmed, that a job I absolutely love, still creeps in with pressure to spend a huge amount of time on a computer, often on platforms I don’t enjoy such as social media and accounts systems.

I make mistakes, and occasionally allow myself to get tired, but ultimately it is my responsibility to myself and my students to know when to slow down, and what practice I need for my overall health. It has taken years to recognise when I am getting too ‘busy’, despite what my thoughts and ego try to tell me.

Yoga Nidra resets something in me; on a very basic level it allows me to step out of my mind and check back in with my body, especially right before that time I feel overwhelmed coupled with lack of energy.

I’ve spent over a thousand hours during the last 9 years in various Yoga teaching training’s all over the world, I’ve learnt and specialised in many different areas, which are of equal benefits for different times of my life.

When highlighted with the need to slow down, the most powerful aspects I have brought together from Restorative, Yoga Nidra & Yin trainings remind me to give myself the permission to slow down; step off the roundabout of constant to do lists, often coupled with our very own narrative to our story, and check back in with the real me. We need to endeavour to make rest part of our practice.

I love teaching the flowing practices and equally the stronger practices, I feel grateful for them all, but as we promised in our mission statement at Yoga Elements, our classes are for all; whatever it is you need at that time – and this Friday night’s Summer Solstice Yoga Nidra is a practice for your all, especially if you are too just too busy – this practice is perfect!

So looking forward to welcoming you all.

Katie Brock Yoga Guernsey
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