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Katies Family

Thank you 2022! And looking ahead to 2023 🙂

Namaste all 

Thank you so much, for all your love and support this year, with the birth of Aditya, the beginning of Sanjivs Gardens, and the continuation of  classes, workshops and retreats, our family found some much needed light, and are super grateful! 

I feel so fortunate to have such a wonderful support network, and Personal Yoga Practice, which has changed and evolved, for the better, in such a huge way from when we launched 10 plus years ago. 

I am super excited to share more of this with you all in 2023. The last few years have tested me in ways I never imagined, and I am so grateful of practice ~ which continues to support me in each twist and turn.

There are so many aspects to Yoga, amongst our usual offerings,  which we will be uploading on our return, some more workshops focusing on the philosophy of Yoga, and living Yoga to it’s true and core values, is something on my main list of priorities for the New Year ahead.

In other fantastic news, Aadi, Amaya and I have recently had our visas approved  for our Overseas Citizenship for India 🎉 , which we are so pleased about;  as it means we can now work in India, and bring you retreats (first Jan 2024) and all being well a visit to my Ashram, at somepoint in the future.

Quick note of gratitude to the wonderful Hannah Colley, who continues to cover for us. Hannah will be back on the 10th January 2023, at Cobo Community Centre for Hatha Yoga Flow. All are very welcome!

Last but not least, please note the SHOP will close on the 20th December, as we head off to India until early February ,where we will take a break and also look for more retreat venues 🙂 

Take care everyone, have a wonderful festive holiday! Don’t forget to breath and take some time out just for you!

With much love 

Katie xx

Katies Family
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