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The Way of Rest

Selfish or self-indugent?

What did you do for yourself today? 

In my old days before I found my yoga practice, I would think this was a super indulgent question, even selfish? 

Looking after yourself is the single most important task, the easiest way to explain?

When you are in an aircraft, the safety demo reminds you to put your oxygen mask on before helping others – there is a reason behind this! 

How can we be the best version of ourselves without these moments of clarity/rest?

Self-compassion is by far the biggest thing Yoga taught me, amongst much more, it changed my very own narrative and story. It was a deal breaker.

Since having my daughter Amaya, I have never been more adamant to keep trying my best to do one thing a day just for me. Is that selfish? Not it’s a lifeline, its Ahimsa (non violence, non harming to all others – including ourselves), one of the 8 limbs of Yoga.

Today, I had an early swim in the sea and read a few pages from my wonderful book, some days I attend a class, others I practice a form of meditation with one eye open tying to ensure my daughter doesn’t put yet another object in her mouth! 
Sometimes I don’t achieve any of that, so I focus on my breathing (pranayama) while washing up, and remember to practice self-compassion! We are just doing our best, It comes in so many forms. That’s the beauty of Yoga it just keeps on giving…

We have just a few spaces left on our beginners and back to basics course, you are very welcome to start here with finding that bit of time just for you – Angele and I are a very welcoming and relaxed team  

Have a wonderful day – take a breath and remind yourself just how wonderful you are! You got this!

Katie x

The Way of Rest
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