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Restorative Yoga Workshop


Today, the need for Restorative Yoga couldn’t be greater. To ‘rest’, to ‘relax’ and to ‘restore’ is essential to everyone, especially in the current times; where our adrenaline and stress levels have at times spiked, and the ‘monkey mind’ of all its worries and what ifs, has often been allowed to become quite loud.

To ‘rest’ deeply is to experience absolute relaxation, where there is effortless in stillness, quietness and peace.

Join Katie Brock and Angele Plimley on a journey to self nurture, and embrace the opportunity to delve into the full benefits of Restorative Yoga.

During the practice of Restorative Yoga, we learn the art of resting with awareness by supporting the body so you can hold poses for longer, allowing the body to open through a series of passive stretching. When we rest with awareness we notice areas of tension that we were unaware of and as a consequence all the organ systems of the body are benefited. A few of the measurable results of deep relaxation are the reduction of blood pressure, the increase of the “good cholesterol” levels, as well as improvement in digestion, fertility, elimination, the reduction of muscle tension, insomnia and generalized fatigue, stress and depression.

Restorative Yoga class movements will be gentle, settling into seated poses for a prolonged amount of time with the support of numerous props to ensure you are stable and comfortable. A still body does not mean a quiet mind, the real yoga comes when the mind reflects the pose, allowing yourself to cultivate inner peace.

During the workshop we will also explore a Pranayama (breathing) Technique, and a Guided Meditation & Relaxation, to ensure you leave feeling light, refreshed and restored.

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Restorative Yoga Workshop 2021

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