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"Just Carry On"

⭐️ I never knew what they meant, when people told me you ‘just carry on’, until I had too.
I’ve always wanted to find my own way, my own path, but at times it’s not that easy.
Sometimes you feel simply forced too. Sometimes, that might also be a way to move forward, as painful as it maybe.
During the last few months, my practice has become even more of a place to find freedom, space, and fluidity,
In a world full of structure and constraints.
When we truly become open to our practice changing and evolving, it can then become our reflective place for softness, support, ease and openness (on and off the mat).
Perhaps it’s that awareness of what it takes for us to find true freedom – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
In the end, we all just ultimately seeking to find peace …
Katie x (some little extracts from my book 📖 which is in the making!)
PS 🏖 Beach classes start next week! Stay tuned by subscribing to our mailing list here;
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